Travel Journal with Geo Location
This is a travel journal example how to utilize plaintext accounting with geographic location data.
See Transaction Geo Location and Transaction Geo Filters for full documentation of tackler’s GIS features.
Journal with GIS data
Below is an example travel journal from ice cream spree around the world. Four transactions in total, with one transaction missing geo location.
2019-05-01 'Ice cream at Helsinki's market square # location: geo:60.167,24.955,5 Expenses:Ice_cream 2.50 € Assets:Cash 2019-05-02 'Surreal ice cream at Miro Museum # location: geo:41.368611,2.16 Expenses:Ice_cream 5 € Assets:Cash 2019-05-03 'Matcha ice cream! # location: geo:35.7101,139.8107 Expenses:Ice_cream 800 ¥ Assets:Cash 2019-05-04 'I am so lost, but I have ice cream Expenses:Ice_cream 2 € Assets:Cash
Reports based on GIS features
Basic Balance and Register reports without any filter
bin/ Txns size: 4 BALANCE ------- 0.00 800.00 ¥ Expenses 800.00 800.00 ¥ Expenses:Ice_cream 0.00 9.50 € Expenses 9.50 9.50 € Expenses:Ice_cream ======================= 800.00 ¥ 9.50 € REGISTER -------- 2019-05-01 'Ice cream at Helsinki's market square # location: geo:60.167,24.955,5 Expenses:Ice_cream 2.50 2.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2019-05-02 'Surreal ice cream at Miro Museum # location: geo:41.368611,2.16 Expenses:Ice_cream 5.00 7.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2019-05-03 'Matcha ice cream! # location: geo:35.7101,139.8107 Expenses:Ice_cream 800.00 800.00 ¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2019-05-04 'I am so lost, but I have ice cream! Expenses:Ice_cream 2.00 9.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any ice cream in Europe?
bin/ --api-filter-def \ '{ "txnFilter" : { "TxnFilterBBoxLatLon" : { "south" : 34, "west": -28, "north": 72, "east": 56 } } }' Txns size: 2 Filter: Txn Bounding Box 2D North, East: geo:72,56 South, West: geo:34,-28 BALANCE ------- 0.00 7.50 € Expenses 7.50 7.50 € Expenses:Ice_cream ======================= 7.50 € Filter: Txn Bounding Box 2D North, East: geo:72,56 South, West: geo:34,-28 REGISTER -------- 2019-05-01 'Ice cream at Helsinki's market square # location: geo:60.167,24.955,5 Expenses:Ice_cream 2.50 2.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2019-05-02 'Surreal ice cream at Miro Museum # location: geo:41.368611,2.16 Expenses:Ice_cream 5.00 7.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any ice cream in Japan?
bin/ --api-filter-def \ '{ "txnFilter" : { "TxnFilterBBoxLatLon" : { "south" : 25, "west": 126, "north": 47, "east": 151 } } }' Txns size: 1 Filter: Txn Bounding Box 2D North, East: geo:47,151 South, West: geo:25,126 BALANCE ------- 0.00 800.00 ¥ Expenses 800.00 800.00 ¥ Expenses:Ice_cream ======================= 800.00 ¥ Filter: Txn Bounding Box 2D North, East: geo:47,151 South, West: geo:25,126 REGISTER -------- 2019-05-03 'Matcha ice cream! # location: geo:35.7101,139.8107 Expenses:Ice_cream 800.00 800.00 ¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All transactions with geo location
Last of our queries is a special one. Bounding box is defined covering whole Earth so that all geo location transactions are included into reports. Transactions without geo location are left outside of these reports.
bin/ --api-filter-def \ '{ "txnFilter" : { "TxnFilterBBoxLatLon" : { "south" : -90, "west": -180, "north": 90, "east": 180 } } }' Txns size: 3 Filter: Txn Bounding Box 2D North, East: geo:90,180 South, West: geo:-90,-180 BALANCE ------- 0.00 800.00 ¥ Expenses 800.00 800.00 ¥ Expenses:Ice_cream 0.00 7.50 € Expenses 7.50 7.50 € Expenses:Ice_cream ======================= 800.00 ¥ 7.50 € Filter: Txn Bounding Box 2D North, East: geo:90,180 South, West: geo:-90,-180 REGISTER -------- 2019-05-01 'Ice cream at Helsinki's market square # location: geo:60.167,24.955,5 Expenses:Ice_cream 2.50 2.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2019-05-02 'Surreal ice cream at Miro Museum # location: geo:41.368611,2.16 Expenses:Ice_cream 5.00 7.50 € ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2019-05-03 'Matcha ice cream! # location: geo:35.7101,139.8107 Expenses:Ice_cream 800.00 800.00 ¥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Usage guide has multiple examples how to use more conveniently
transaction filters from shell with base64
ascii armor.