
This is the main Tackler-NG configuration file.

Some of the configuration settings can be overridden by CLI options (marked as "CLI:" below). There are no default configuration settings, so all non-optional values must be explicitly defined in this configuration.

See tackler.toml, accounts.toml, commodities.toml and tags.toml for full configuration options.

File format is TOML

Reference Configuration

Relative paths are always relative to the used configuration-file.

### The main configuration file for Tackler-NG
### The format is TOML (https://toml.io/en/)
### Stric mode
### When this is true, then all accounts, commodities and tags
### must be predefined. It's fatal halting error,
### if there is an undefined item in the transaction data.
### Valid options are: true | false
### CLI: --strict.mode
strict = true

### Configuration Options for Timestamp
### Default time value for timestamps
### This time value is used for timestamp if it's only
### on date granularity, e.g. "2024-11-15".
### See also "kernel.timestamp.timezone" and "report.report-timezone"
### about transaction timezones and txn timestamps on reports.
default-time = 00:00:00

### Default Timezone of Timestamp
### Default timezone which is used with timestamp
### if it does not have timezone info.
### See also "report.report-timezone" about
### timestamp presentation on reports.
### Format is either zone's offset or name of ZoneID entry
### (IANA Time Zone Database), for example:
###    name = "GMT", "UTC", "Europe/Helsinki"
### or
###    offset = "+02:00",
### If timezone is offset, then timestamp is not adjusted based on
### daylight saving time.
### If timezone is zone name, then it is adjusted according
### the DST rules for that zone.
### offset = "+02:00"
###    2016-01-01T00:00:00 => 2016-01-01T00:00:00+02:00
###    2016-06-25T00:00:00 => 2016-06-25T00:00:00+02:00
### timezone = "Europe/Helsinki"
###    2016-01-01T00:00:00 => 2016-01-01T00:00:00+02:00
###    2016-06-25T00:00:00 => 2016-06-25T00:00:00+03:00
### It's an error to have both defined at the same time.
name = "Europe/Helsinki"
#offset = "-07:00"

### Settings related to audit features
### Hash algorithm
### Supported hash algorithms are:
###   SHA-256, SHA-512/256, SHA-512
###   SHA3-256, SHA3-512
hash = "SHA-256"
### Audit mode
### This turns audit mode on or off.
### Valid options are: true | false
### CLI: --audit.mode
mode = true

### Transaction Input Configuration
### Type of input storage system
### Valid options are: "fs" | "git"
storage = "fs"

### Filesystem based input storage
### Top-level directory of storage tree
### This is the top level location of txn shard structure,
### the scanning is started from here.
### If the directory path is relative, then it's based on this file.
### In case of CLI option, it's relative to the current working directory.
### CLI: --input.fs.dir
dir = "tackler/txns"
### Filename suffix
### This is transaction file extension, e.g. all files with
### this suffix are included into input.
### CLI: --input.fs.ext
suffix = "txn"

### Git SCM based input storage
### Path to git repository
### This must point to "bare" section of repository, e.g.
###   * to the bare git repository `git clone --bare`
### or
###   * to '.git'-directory inside the normal working tree (clone)
### If the repository path is relative, then it's based on this file.
### In case of CLI option, it's relative to the current working directory.
### It's possible to have 'kernel.input.fs.dir' pointing working tree,
### and at the same time 'kernel.input.git.repository' to point '.git'
### directory inside that same working tree. Then used storage could be
### selected by 'kernel.input.storage'
### CLI: --input.git.repo
repository = "tackler-data.git"
### Git reference name
### This is git reference name (ref or symbolic ref). It is used
### to define branch or tag to find transaction data.
### HEAD revision is automatically used for that branch.
### This could be a branch or tag name:
###    "main", "cleared", "Y2024", etc.
### See git's documentation for further information about git references.
### CLI: --input.git.ref
ref = "main"
### Txn directory inside the repository
### This the directory inside git repository where transactions are stored.
### This is a filesystem path "inside repository" and working copy,
### and it is relative to the top of repository (and working copy) root.
### CLI: --input.git.dir
dir = "txns"
### Suffix of file names which are processed as transactions.
suffix = "txn"


### Transaction Data Configuration
### See the actual files for information about the content
### Path to accounts data
### If the path is relative, then it's based on this file.
### Set the value to string "none", to disable the Chart of Accounts.
path = "tackler/conf/accounts.toml"

### Path to commodities data
### If the path is relative, then it's based on this file.
### Set the value to string "none", to disable the Chart of Commodities,
### in that case, empty commodities are allowed by default.
path = "tackler/conf/commodities.toml"

### Path to tags data
### If the path is relative, then it's based on this file.
### Set the value to string "none", to disable the Chart of Tags
path = "tackler/conf/tags.toml"


### Report Configuration
### Timezone setting for reports
### The dates, times and timestamps are displayd on
### this time zone on reports. The timezone info is
### dropped from dates and timestamps, but Report's active
### timezone is printed in the metadata section.
### Valid options are: name of IANA Time Zone Database entry (ZoneID)
### For example:
###   "GMT", "UTC", "Europe/Helsinki"
report-timezone = "Europe/Helsinki"

### Reports to generate
### This is a list of report targets to generate.
### Valid options are: "balance", "balance-group", "register"
### CLI: --reports
targets = [ "balance", "balance-group", "register" ]
### Account selector for Reports and Exports
### This is default, global list of report accounts. It can be
### overriden by CLI option and by per report target settings.
### Each entry is regexp which is matched with account name
### Empty list will include everything
### Valid values: list of regex as string
### For example:
###  Income and Expenses accounts
###    accounts = [ "^Income(:.*)?", "^Expenses(:.*)?" ]
###  All accounts
###    accounts = [ ]
### CLI: --accounts <regexp1> <regexp2> ...
### All: --accounts ""
accounts = [ ]

### Scale Settings for Reports
### This is the numbers of decimals to be printed
### Scale is amount of decimals printed with values.
### Founding mode is HALF_UP / Midpoint Away From Zero
### For example:
###        decimals:   123456789
###           value: 0.000123456
### is printed with
### scale.max = 6 as 0.000123
### scale.max = 7 as 0.0001235
### min can't be negative or bigger than max value
### max can't be negative or smaller than min value
### Maximum value of min and max is 28 decimals.
scale = { min = 2, max = 7 }

### Balance Report
### Report title
title = "Balance Report"
### Account selector for Balance Report
### If set, this will override 'report.accounts'
### See 'report.accounts' for further info.
#accounts = [ ]

### Balance Group Report
title = "Balance Group Report"
### Group by criteria
### Group by balances based on selected criteria.
### Valid options are:
###   "year", "month", "date", "iso-week", "iso-week-date"
### CLI: --groub-by
group-by = "month"
### Account selector for Balance Group Report
### If set, this will override 'report.accounts'
### See 'report.accounts' for further info.
# accounts = [ ]

### Register Report
### Report title
title = "Register Report"
### Timestamp style
### This optional setting controls how timestamps are
### displayed with register report. Default is "date".
### See also 'kernel.timestamp.timezone'
### and 'report.report-timezone' settings.
### Valid values are: date, seconds, full
###   date:    only date part is displayed (this is default)
###   seconds: date and time is displayed (up to seconds)
###   full:    date and time is displayed (up to nanoseconds)
timestamp-style = "seconds"
### Account selector for Register Report
### If set, this will override 'report.accounts'
### See 'report.accounts' for further info.
# accounts = [ ]


### Export Configuration
### Exports to generate
### This is a list of exports targets to generate.
### Valid options are: "equity", "identity"
### CLI: --exports
targets = [ ]

### Equity Export
# Account name of Equity txn's target account
equity-account = "Equity:Balance"
### Account selector for Register Report
### If set, this will override 'report.accounts'
### See 'report.accounts' for further info.
# accounts = [ ]

### Identity
### There are no configuration options for identity export