Historic Market Value

This is feature is available on development version of Tackler

Use case

Historic Market Value, or historic Mark-to-Market (MTM) is used to display commodity and share values at the specified point in the past. In other words, this is "Market Value at given time" valuation done with the last market price before that given time.

Typically this is feature is used with filters, e.g. producing quarterly results with historic valuation.

Price Data application policy

  1. Used Price is based on rates noted in the pricedb. Possible costs recorded in the transactions are ignored.

  2. The latest price before given-time in the price db is used for the conversion.

  3. Prices with the same time as given-time or after are ignored

Timestamp handling

The given-time timestamp for --price.before uses the same logic as transaction timestamps:

Timestamp could be:

  • RFC3339 timestamp with offset information (2024-12-31T14:15:16+02:00)

  • Timestamp without zone or offset (2024-12-31T14:15:16), then the kernel.timestamp.timezone value is used as zone/offset.

  • Date (2024-12-31), then kernel.timestamp.default-time is used with kernel.timestamp.timezone.

The resulting timestamp has always time and offset.

Historic price data with filters

Let’s assume there are following price data entries (three entries per year, distributed evenly):

P 2024-03-31 ACME 240331.00 CAD
P 2024-06-30 ACME 240630.00 CAD
P 2024-09-30 ACME 240930.00 CAD
P 2024-12-31 ACME 241231.00 CAD

Today is 2025-01-01 and we run filtering query which will include txns from (inclusive - exclusive) range [ 2024-01-01 .. 2024-04-01 [ into our reports, that’s 2024/Q1.

To use the same conversion rate, which was used to generate the 2024/Q1 report, the price data lookup type should be given-time with the same value as filter’s end time: --price.before=2024-04-01.

The used price data for reporting would be 240331.00 CAD, (the P 2024-03-31 ACME 240331.00 CAD entry), which is the nearest earlier recorded price in the Price DB. This will ensure that reported values are same, regardless if the report is run on 2024-04-01 or 2025-01-01.

The given-time is using price before the specified time, so above is true even when there would be a record for 2024-04-01

P 2024-03-31 ACME 240331.00 CAD
P 2024-04-01 ACME 240401.00 CAD
P 2024-06-30 ACME 240630.00 CAD

So with above pricedb content --price.before=2024-04-01 would pick the 240331.00 rate.


Current Market Value mode is selected either by price.lookup-type = "given-price" in tackler.toml or by CLI --price.lookup-type=given-price option.

With given-time lookup-type, you must always provide the time with CLI --price.before option.

Current Market Value and Report commodity settings in tackler.toml
db-path = "journal/txns/price.db"
lookup-type = "given-time"
commodity = "EUR"

See tackler --help for all price related CLI options.


This is journal records from the 2024 spring - some lovely ice cream and one Golden Maple Leaf coin

2024-03-01 'Ice cream and maple syrup
  Expenses:Sweets  2.8 CAD

2024-03-01 'The Royal Canadian Mint’s Gold Maple Leaf (GML)
  Assets:Coins 1 GML @ 2780 CAD ; Gold Maple Leaf
  Expenses:Fees 20 CAD
  Assets:Cash -2800 CAD

We would like to know what was the daily market value of GML at the time when it was acquired. To do that, we run report with price lookup at given time:

tackler \
    --config examples/maple.toml \
    --reports balance \
    --accounts "Assets:Coins" \
    --price.lookup-type given-time \
    --price.before 2024-03-01 \
    --report.commodity CAD

This will produce the following balance report:

Report Time Zone
        TZ name : UTC

Commodity Prices
           Time : 2024-02-29 00:00:00
      Commodity : GML
          Value : 2780 CAD

Balance Report
              2780.00        2780.00 CAD  Assets:Coins
              2780.00 CAD

Test data and configuration for this example is located Tackler’s source code examples directory.