Variable Market Value
This is feature is only available on development version of Tackler |
Use case
Variable Market Value is used for commodity and and share valuation analysis based on how they are evolving over the time. See Solar Energy Value example how this could be utilized in real life.
Price Data application policy
Used Price is based on rates noted in the pricedb. Possible costs recorded in the transactions are ignored.
The price rate recorded in the pricedb, which has the same time as the transaction or the last rate before transaction time, is used.
Current Market Value mode is selected either by price.lookup-type = "txn-time"
in tackler.toml or by CLI --price.lookup-type=txn-time
[price] db-path = "journal/txns/price.db" lookup-type = "txn-time" ... [Report] commodity = "EUR"
See tackler --help
for all price related CLI options.
See Solar Energy Value example how this could be utilized in real life.