Tackler can process 120_000 - 250_000 txn/s and it can handle big journals with ease
Tackler is written in Rust and it’s well tested
Integrated journal storage with Git SCM (and plain files too!)
Support for Commodities, Currencies and Shares
Commodity Price Database support
Mark-to-Market (MTM) and other valuation analysis methods
Audit trail for Accounting Auditing
Accounting based on Geo Location (GIS)
Chart of Accounts with strict account and commodity name validation
Transaction Tags with strict name validation
Logical and simple journal format
Multiple report and export types:
Balance, Balance Groups and Register Reports
Logical operators AND, OR, NOT to combine multiple filters
All transaction properties have filters: Time, Code, Description, UUID, Location (GIS), Tags, Comments,
All posting properties have filters: Accounts, Amounts, Comments, Commodities
Supports wide range of Unicode characters, scripts and languages
Real transaction timestamps with timezones and nanosecond resolution
Has good performance
Tackler is regularly tested up to one million (1_000_000) transactions
Tackler can process 120_000 - 250_000 txn/s on normal laptop computer
Tackler has extensive user and developer documentation