Tackler Mk-I: Installation

This is installation manual for Tackler Mk-I versions up to 22.12.2.

See Installation Manual for Tackler-NG.

For Tackler-NG configuration, see: Journal Format, tackler.toml, accounts.toml, commodities.toml, tags.toml

To use tackler cli you will need

  • Java Runtime Environment (Tackler requires at least Java 11 to run)

  • Tackler command line binary (tackler-cli-XX.YY.Z.jar-file)

Download the latest version of tackler-cli.jar from here or build it yourself.

Minimal setup

Minimal initial installation and setup is described in Quickstart Guide.

Tackler could be used with minimal quickstart setup just fine, but to get most out of it (strict modes, git storage system, Audit trail functinality etc.), it must be configured properly. Below is recommended setup for production use.

Recommended Setup and layout

Recommended layout and setup (the "installation") would be:

├── bin
│   ├── tackler-cli.jar
│   └── tackler.conf
└── journal
    ├── conf
    │   ├── accounts.conf
    │   ├── tackler.conf
    │   └── tags.conf
    └── txns
        ├── ...
        ├── 2020
        │   ├── ...
        │   └── 12
        │       ├── journal-1.txn
        │       └── journal-2.txn
        └── 2021
            └── 01
                ├── journal-1.txn
                └── journal-2.txn

This setup uses year/month based sharding for transactions (the directory structure under txns). It’s up to for each system to decide which is the best way to shard transaction data, or not to shard transactions at all.

By default Tackler will try to find configuration file (tackler.conf) next to its jar-file. It’s also possible to provide path to configuration with --cfg option, if you don’t like to use auto discovery functionality or would like to e.g. use several different configuration files.


include required("../journal/conf/tackler.conf")

Actual configuration is located under journal:

tackler {
  core {
    basedir = ../journal
    input {
      storage = fs
      fs {
        dir = "txns"
        glob = "**.txn"
    include required("./accounts.conf")
    include required("./tags.conf")

This setup makes it possible to separate journal setup and data, and store relevant configuration next to transaction data (and possibly under version control).

See Configuration Example: fs or git how combine git based transaction storage with this setup.


If there is missing or mistyped account, that will cause an error and tackler will stop processing journal. See accounts.conf for full documentation of Chart of Accounts and commodity listing.

accounts {

  strict = true

  permit-empty-commodity = true

  chart-of-accounts = [


If there is missing or mistyped tag, that will cause an error and tackler will stop processing journal. See tags.conf for full documentation of Chart of Tags.

tags {
   strict = true

   chart-of-tags = [

With this setup, it is possible to run Tackler by:

java -jar ./bin/tackler-cli.jar

and it will just work.

Next steps

See reference configuration files for full details:

Git Storage Guide has information how to use integrated version control features with Tackler.

Git and filesystem based production setup is described in Configuration Example

Transaction Data Sharding has ideas for different storage schemes.